CAM Library Version 2.1.5 Released

API: camlib_Add_NC_Drill() - Add NC drill hit to the active cell.
API: camlib_Add_NC_Rout() - Add rout path to the active cell.
API: camlib_Layer_SetName() - Sets name of any layer. Requires the layer number.
API: camlib_Layer_GetType() - Gets type of any layer. Requires the layer number.
API: camlib_Layer_SetType() - Sets type of any layer. Requires the layer number.
API: camlib_Add_Flash_Circle() - Add a flashed Circle or Donut Pad to active cell.
API: camlib_Add_Flash_Rectangle() - Add a flashed Rectangle, Round-Rectangle, or Oblong Pad to active cell.
API: camlib_Cell_GetBoundingBox() - Get the bounding box of the active cell (all layers).
API: camlib_Layer_GetBoundingBox() - Get the bounding box of the layer in the active cell.
MATRIX: ADD Array - Add flashes, polygons, inserts, and more to any active cell.