IPC-2581 Export. |
DFM Check now includes an option for Comprehensive and Exhausted Search for Errors. |
DFM Check now includes Test Point verification. Find Test Points without a Net, Minimum Clearance, Minimum Diameter, Missing mask openings, and more. |
Edit Properties, now has the ability to modify test point diameters. |
Gerber Import - Better handle older RS274D files during import (such as detecting internal apertures, format details, etc.). |
Centroid Export - Output unique component names for Panels with multiple PCB's. |
ODB++ Export - Output or Rout paths has been improved. |
DFM Reports - Now supports Micron Units option. |
DFM Check - "Find Net Descrepancy" check has been improved. |
IPC-2581 Import has been improved. |
ODB++ Import - Component import has been improved. |
Convert IPC Netlist file to Components has been improved. |
GDSII Import has been improved. |
NC/Rout Import has been improved. |
Compare Jobs has been improved. |
Compare Layers has been improved. |
DFM Check - "Minimum Clearance: Drill-Copper" has been removed due to redundancy with existing check "Minimum Annular Ring: Drill-Pad". |
About 10 other minor bug fixes. |