New Feature
Improved Feature
Fixed Feature
Array Staggered. Arrays the selection in a staggered (hexagon) pattern. Typically used to optimize circular objects. | |
Option: Copy Objects Mode. Determines what Net/Component information to retain when copying objects. | |
Add Coupons and Inserts for Panelization. | |
Add Labels with Dynamic Text for Panelization. | |
Add Objects into the Panel such as: Rout, Score, Polygon, Line, Path, Circle, Arc | |
Selection Filter Toggle. Toggles the selection filter on/off. Use Key F6 |
Grid Snap Mode. Restricts cursor movement to specified grid intervals. Use Key F9 | |
Grid Display Mode. Turns the grid display on and off. Use Key F7 | |
New example Matrix files (*.fm6), Panel Setup files (*.pan). | |
Entire GUI has been improved, plus Tool tips are now available everywhere to help provide more information. | |
Synchronize Layers - Easier to use with more automation. Perfect when different PCB jobs need to be merged onto a panel. | |
Detect Layer Types has been improved. Automatically recognizes even more layer types. | |
Add Tab. New options are available to add tabs on rounded/circular PCB edges. | |
Panel Wizard. Both Fixed Size and Smallest Panel are easier to use. Select external Job files (*.job) for inclusion in the panel. | |
Job Insert. Can now add Job inserts as a Staggered Arrayed. Typically used to optimize area for circular jobs. There is now an option to use spacing | |
Job Insert. Job Spacing is now an option to use spacing between Inserts (previously only distance was accepted). | |
Panel Setup dialog has been improved. | |
Selection Filter dialog. | |
Add Pin has been improved in the Package Editor. | |
PCB Border automatic detection has been improved. | |
Add Fiducial. Now adds appropriate sized Mask pads. | |
30 other minor bug fixes and UI Improvements have been made. |