FAB 3000 Version 8.3.49 Released

 New Feature

 Improved Feature

 Fixed Feature

Smart Find. Quickly search for any objects in the active Job or entire Workspace. https://support.numericalinnovations.com/support/discussions/topics/14000019206
Generate AOI Panel Report. Includes thumb images, Insert details, Fiducials, etc. https://support.numericalinnovations.com/support/discussions/topics/14000018959
Add Barcode.
Display Hierarchy Level.  Toggles the viewing of inserts hierarchy depth level. Very useful for complex panels.
Quick Help. Quickly Find answers to your questions. Press Ctrl+Q and type-in your keywords then press Enter.

Rename Jobs and Panels. Previously was unable to rename any jobs or panels.

Workspace Mode. Now smaller and easier to navigate between various FAB 3000 modes (CAM, NC, PCB, DOC, SMT)
Properties... dialog has been improved.
Component Package Editor has been improved.
IPC-2581 Import/Export. Support barcodes and more.
ODB++ Import/Export. Support barcodes and more.
DXF Import/Export.
Gerber Export. Support barcodes and more.
High Resolution TIFF and BITMAP export are more accurate.
X/Y Centroid Export - resolved an error message during export.
Component Pin#1 correctly displays after being sorted separately in the Component Package browser...
Resolved double-Click workspace file with Unicode characters.
50 other minor bug fixes have been made.


COMING SOON!  FAB 3000 V8.4: Includes 3D viewing, improved 3D Step conversions, Documentation, new Panelizations features, and more will be available.