New Feature
Improved Feature
Fixed Feature
Smart Find. Quickly search for any objects in the active Job or entire Workspace. | |
Generate AOI Panel Report. Includes thumb images, Insert details, Fiducials, etc. | |
Add Barcode. | |
Display Hierarchy Level. Toggles the viewing of inserts hierarchy depth level. Very useful for complex panels. | |
Quick Help. Quickly Find answers to your questions. Press Ctrl+Q and type-in your keywords then press Enter. | |
Rename Jobs and Panels. Previously was unable to rename any jobs or panels. |
Workspace Mode. Now smaller and easier to navigate between various FAB 3000 modes (CAM, NC, PCB, DOC, SMT) |
Properties... dialog has been improved. | |
Component Package Editor has been improved. | |
IPC-2581 Import/Export. Support barcodes and more. | |
ODB++ Import/Export. Support barcodes and more. | |
DXF Import/Export. | |
Gerber Export. Support barcodes and more. | |
High Resolution TIFF and BITMAP export are more accurate. | |
X/Y Centroid Export - resolved an error message during export. | |
Component Pin#1 correctly displays after being sorted separately in the Component Package browser... | |
Resolved double-Click workspace file with Unicode characters. | |
50 other minor bug fixes have been made. |
COMING SOON! FAB 3000 V8.4: Includes 3D viewing, improved 3D Step conversions, Documentation, new Panelizations features, and more will be available.