Getting Started with PCB Preflight desktop software

1. Asking Questions and Getting Personal Assistance
2. Using AutoLoad to quickly Import Gerber, Drill
3. ODB++ and IPC-2581 Import
4. Perform Editing, and other common fabrication commands.
5. Run DFM Checks
6. Perform Realistic PCB Preview
7. Numerical Cloud (Monthly Subscription for FAB 3000)

1. Asking Questions and Getting Personal Assistance

 The Ask for Help box, allows anyone to  type in a question (or keywords).  Both ACE and FAB 3000 will search 1000's of posts to quickly find answers.  This is a resource that has been part of our software since day one, but not everyone is aware of this feature.

View the tutorial movie below showing how easy and fast it is to find answers to your questions:

 Need more?  Visit the Numerical Innovations - Help Center for hundreds of related topics and helpful articles.  Get in contact with our engineering team: Open a Support Ticket


2. Using AutoLoad to quickly Import Gerber, Drill

 AutoLoad Wizard will automatically import all Gerber, Excellon Drill/Rout, and Netlist files found within a selected folder. This makes importing multiple files a snap, and eliminates the time needed to load each file separately.

 To use AutoLoad

  1. Go to menu: File | Import | AutoLoad...
  2. Select the folder where your gerbers and drills are located.
  3. Click Next, and FAB 3000 will scan all files in the directory. All detected gerbers, aperture lists and drills will be displayed. If you approve, go ahead and click next. All files will be imported.


3. ODB++ and IPC-2581 Import

ODB++ Import:  Go to menu:  File | Import| ODB++.   

Here's an online tutorial demonstration how to import an ODB++ file and skip any unnecessary layers:


New! IPC-2581 Import:  Go to menu:  File | Import| IPC-2581....   


4. Perform Editing, and other common fabrication commands.

FAB 3000 lets you easily merge different PCB designs together so they can be manufactured as “one set of Gerber files” - saving you $$$ on fabrication costs.

Here's a sample tutorial demonstrating how to Panelize a PCB:


5. Run DFM Checks.

DFM Check: Go to menu:  Tools / Nets / DFM / DFM Check...

Find all hidden manufacturing violations inside your gerber data BEFORE sending them out to manufacturing! 

Here's a sample tutorial demonstrating how to run DFM Checks:

Netlist Comparison: Go to menu:  Tools / Nets / Netlist Comparison

Ensure Your Design Integrity. Nowadays there is an ever growing need to verify PCB designs electrically.

Here's a sample tutorial demonstrating how to run DFM Checks:


6. Perform Realistic PCB Preview

Get Better Manufacturing Results with PCB Realistic Preview.

Gerber Viewers are great for viewing your PCB manufacturing files. Each file is assigned a color (like:Green, Red, Yellow, and Blue) and then hundreds of lines, circles, and various shapes are displayed onto the screen. This is perfectly fine for CAM experts, but have you ever wanted to see "exactly" what your final PCB looked like before it was manufactured. When you can truly see a PCB in its finished form, it becomes much easier on the eye to "catch mistakes".

This tutorial demonstrate how to perform a realistic PCB Preview, View Nets, and checkout Panel NC Routs\Tabs.



7. Numerical Cloud (Monthly Subscription for FAB 3000)

Did you know? FAB 3000 is available on monthly subscription that allows 3 users to run the software from any computer and can be cancelled anytime.

Many people use our popular Numerical Cloud subscription for a temporary and cost-effective solution. Why wait? Sign up now and instantly get your registered license key. Click below for more information about Numerical Cloud: