Thank you for using EasyGerb (AutoCAD to Gerber Conversion). EasyGerb is unique because it runs directly inside of AutoCAD and outputs gerber files faster than you can export a DXF file. Here's an online movie showing how to quickly load EasyGerb into AutoCAD, configure EasyGerb, and convert to Gerber. See Link:
Loading EasyGerb Inside AutoCAD and AutoCAD Mechanical
Since EasyGerb is a plug-in for AutoCAD, so it must be loaded into the AutoCAD environment before it can be used. EasyGerb is installed into the folder (typically "C:\Numerical Innovations\EasyGerb\"). There is one EasyGerb ARX file for each version of AutoCAD. The EasyGerb file name indicates the release of AutoCAD that it has been designed for. Please be sure to use the EasyGerb ARX file that corresponds to your version of AutoCAD.
EasyGerb2010.arx -> AutoCAD 2010
EasyGerb2011.arx -> AutoCAD 2011
EasyGerb2012.arx -> AutoCAD 2012
EasyGerb2013.arx -> AutoCAD 2013
EasyGerb2014.arx -> AutoCAD 2014
EasyGerb2015.arx -> AutoCAD 2015
EasyGerb2016.arx -> AutoCAD 2016
EasyGerb2010_64.arx -> AutoCAD 2010 (64-bit)
EasyGerb2011_64.arx -> AutoCAD 2011 (64-bit)
EasyGerb2012_64.arx -> AutoCAD 2012 (64-bit)
EasyGerb2013_64.arx -> AutoCAD 2013 (64-bit)
EasyGerb2014_64.arx -> AutoCAD 2014 (64-bit)
EasyGerb2015_64.arx -> AutoCAD 2015 (64-bit)
EasyGerb2016_64.arx -> AutoCAD 2016 (64-bit)
To load EasyGerb into AutoCAD please follow the steps listed below:
A. Select "Load Application..." from "Tools" menu or enter the "APPLOAD" command.
-This will activate the dialog "Load/Unload Applications"
B. Select location of the EasyGerb ARX file: EasyGerb200X.arx (X is the AutoCAD version you are using)
C. Click "Load" to load EasyGerb into AutoCAD.
D. Click "Close" to exit.
E. To start EasyGerb Type (at the command prompt): "EasyGerb"
-This will start "EasyGerb"
Note: Loading EasyGerb can be a one time process if you place EasyGerb.arx into your AutoCAD "Startup Suite". The next time you run AutoCAD, EasyGerb will automatically load itself.
* EasyGerb can be loaded just by mouse-dragging of the EasyGerb.ARX file to a running AutoCAD window.
* If you want to load EasyGerb.ARX into every AutoCAD session, add its filename to your ACAD.RX file (use a text editor). Or - in a simpler way - use the StartUp Suite in the APPLOAD dialog. You can even just drag your EasyGerb.ARX file from Windows Explorer to the Briefcase icon in the APPLOAD dialog.
Using EasyGerb - A Simple Example
A. Open File from examples folder: "PCB.DWG"
B. Start "EasyGerb".
C. Verify options, and for Output Settings select "Standard PCB".
D. Press OK to begin.
E. Select all Entities that you want to convert to Gerber
F. Right-click to begin gerber conversion with EasyGerb
When EasyGerb is finished, it will display a dialog with detailed information of the gerber files it has created.
Note: For another example, try using "Chemical_Milling.dwg" from
the same Examples folder.
A. Open File from examples folder: "Chemical_Milling.dwg"
B. Start "EasyGerb".
C. Verify options, and for Output Settings select "RF-Flex PCB, Chem Milling".
D. Press OK to begin.
E. Select all Entities that you want to convert to Gerber
F. Right-click to begin gerber conversion with EasyGerb
Getting Additional Help
If you need additional help, please contact Numerical Innovations Technical Support at:
End User License Agreement (EULA)
Please refer to the file named "license.txt" for you must read & agree with our license before using EasyGerb. If you need additional information, please e-mail us at: