Numerical Innovations - Software Release Policy

We offer two types of software releases?  Public Release and Quick Release

Public Release:

Public releases require a formal code review, and must pass 30 test-case examples before it is ready for the general public. Typically we recommend all users wait for the Public Release, and only Public Releases will be available for download from our website.

Quick Release:

Quick releases are special updates made for specific clients (or beta testers, etc.); and it hasn't undergone a formal "code-review" - before it was released. Typically we recommend all users wait for the Public Release. If you are interested in a Quick Release and have valid maintenance, you may contact us and request the download link.

For example, in FAB 3000 V6.6.12 a customer requested that his HPGL files load within the AutoLoad command.  We quickly added that ability, however there was no formal code-review before it was released. This was deemed a Quick Release.


Linux Updates:

Our primary development platform is Windows. Linux is only updated once each new version. For example there will be a new Linux build for V6.7, but not for V6.7.1 (i.e. 6.7.X).