We're pleased to announce that ACE 3000 (Version 7) is now available. If you already have a Maintenance Plan please login to our website and download ACE 3000 version 7. Start ACE V7, press the button "Get PERMANENT License..." and fill out the form.
Note: You can go to the ACE 3000 menu: Help / Enter License Key...
Here are some of the key features of this update:
* Improved GUI and much More Easier to use.
* Improved Viewer with dynamic Editing capabilities.
* Available in Windows 64-bit and 32-bit versions, and Linux.
* Arcs precision has been drastically improved.
* Batch Processing. Convert a large number of files simultaneously.
* New! Dynamic Editing Capabilities.
* 100's of improvements and new features.
* And Much More... Visit the ACE 3000 Revision history, http://www.numericalinnovations.com/pages/ace-translator-3000-revision-history
For more information, visit:
To purchase ACE 3000 V7, visit: