FAB 3000 Version 8.3.0 Released

FAB 3000 Version 8.3.0 Released

 New Feature

 Improved Feature

 Fixed Feature

MATRIX Files have been embedded into the editor. Easily automate tasks and create powerful scripts for importing, panelization, DFM Checks, and more.
Attribute have been expanded allowing for Selection, Group Editing, Search, and highlighting. 
Unlimited UNDO/REDO.
Extract and Generate Pad Stacks.
ODB++ Import.  Pin Names. Ignore zero length lines.
ODB++ Export.  Exported Netlist has been improved for compatible with all industry PCB testing software.
Component Package Editor has been improved.  
Netlist viewing can toggle between single and multiple select.
Component viewing can toggle between single and multiple select.
Gerber Import has been improved.
GDS-II Export has been improved.

25 GUI Improvements have been made.

15 other minor bugs/fixes have been resolved.


UP NEXT:  Full support for the latest IPC-2581 revision, continued GUI improvements, Improved STEP Export for 3D simulators, and more.