FAB V9 - Coming Soon!

FAB V9 - Coming Soon!

We're exited to announce FAB 3000 V9 will be available by September 2024. 

Here's some new significant features: 

  DFM Stacks™ with Unlimited DFM Rules.  Using our new programmable DFM Stacks , create custom DFM Rules for all design technologies.

  Embedded 3D Environment. Easily navigate between 2D/3D viewing and editing environments.  

  New 3D STEP translator. Optimized specifically for PCB designs, and more.  

  4-10X faster performance.  DFM Checks, Netlist extraction, and other time-consuming tasks, now use using multiple processes.

  Automated Documentation.  Easily generate all necessary documentation for successful PCB fabrication and assembly.

  SMT Stencil.  Introduce new SMT Stencil features such as define Step regions (Up-down), Adjust Pad Volumes, Add serifs, and more.

  PCB Preflight integration.  PCB Preflight (www.pcbpreflight.com) is an online Visual Communications and PCB Design Analysis solution.

Questions?  Please feel free to submit a support ticket with any questions or feature requests for the upcoming FAB V9 release.