New Feature Improved Feature Fixed Feature Gerber to NC Drill: Prevent any rounding of final tool diameter to 0. Gerber to NC Rout: Prevent any rounding of final tool diameter to 0. Export NC Drill/Rout:...
New Feature Improved Feature Fixed Feature Gerber to NC Drill: Prevent any rounding of final tool diameter to 0. Gerber to NC Rout: Prevent any rounding of final tool diameter to 0. Export NC Drill/Rout:...
New Feature Improved Feature Fixed Feature DFM Check: Intelligently use object attributes to prevent false positives and better overall performance. DFM Check: Prevents false positives for minimum widths and spacing (when objects are overlapped). 5...
New Feature Improved Feature Fixed Feature NC Import - Tool diameter sizes have been improved when both units and decimal places are missing in header. Gerber Import - Resolved 360 Arc imported as a flash. 5 other minor...
New Feature Improved Feature Fixed Feature Compare Jobs - New option to Map Layers per Stackup (order). Simplifies the entire Job Comparison process. Compare Jobs and Layers - Differences are placed into 3 separate severity levels: Major, Medium, Minor Detect PCB...
New Feature Improved Feature Fixed Feature Assembly Drawing Wizard - Easily create Assembly drawings. DXF Import (NC Layer Option) - Convert all objects on selected layers as NC Drill/Rout. Merge to Polygons...
New Feature Improved Feature Fixed Feature Perform Math in Text Labels {{.}} - Calculates any text label expression inside double brackets {{ ... }} What Dynamic Text Variables does FAB3K support? Dynamic Text reference...